UFO appeared near secret US military base

A passenger on a plane said he took a photo of a giant metal disc and many glowing objects suspected to be UFOs near ‘Area 51’, a top-secret US military base in the state of Nevada.

This passenger is a man who asked to remain anonymous, and was photographed while on a flight from San Jose, California to Houston, Texas. He discovered a bright light when the plane passed over the towns of Luning and Gabbs in Nevada on October 30, according to Daily Mail.

This person reported what he saw to Mutual UFO Network, an American non-profit organization specializing in investigating UFO sightings. However, some suggest that the giant metal disk could be a nearby solar power plant.

I saw a giant silver metal disk in the middle of the desert. That disc shot glowing balls into the air, blinding my eyes. I took out my phone and took pictures until the battery ran out,” said the anonymous man.
“It seems like no one saw the plate and said anything about it. I then asked the flight attendants but they said they didn’t see anything unusual,” he added. Mutual UFO Network has classified this case as unsolved.
“Area 51” is considered a mecca for those who believe in conspiracy theories and the existence of aliens.

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