NASA discovered a mysterious UFO flying across the sun

A special camera from the US Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) recorded an image of a winged object flying across the sun. This mysterious object suspected to be a UFO has sparked a lot of speculation.

The images revealed by NASA have made UFO hunters excited. They debated and made many speculations about the origin of the mysterious object, according to Daily Mail.
Many experts believe that the object flies close to the sun and is able to withstand the heat from there. Human technology cannot create such a spacecraft. Therefore, they judged that it was an alien ship.

Image of the object taken by a special telescope camera specializing in observing the sun of NASA in early November 2015. UFO hunters used the photos to make a video and posted it on YouTube.
They questioned whether the strangely shaped object was a UFO or just a distorted pixel in the picture. Many people who believe in alien life are very excited.

Editor Scott Waring of UFO Sightings Daily, a site specializing in posting information about unidentified flying objects, believes it is an alien ship.
“The ship has a simple design and appears to be white in color. This may be due to the ship being heated by the sun’s terrible temperature, which is why it has such a color,” Waring said.


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