Mysterious metal ball found in Mexico after “falling from the sky”

A large metal sphere has been found in Mexico, leading people to speculate that it is part of an alien spacecraft (as well as some much more educated guesses).

The orb – which meteorologist Isidro Cano described in a Facebook post as “a very hard plastic or alloy of various metals” – appeared on treetops in the northern city of Veracruz. According to Cano, witnesses saw the ball “fall from the sky”, making noise but no fire.

In alarming all-caps, he explained that people should not TOUCH OR GO NEAR IT UNTIL IT IS REVIEWED BY AN EXPERT,” adding “IT MAY HAVE RADIOACTIVE ACTIVITY.”

In a follow-up post, he mentioned a “cipher” on the outside of the sphere and reiterated that it “SHOULD NOT BE OPEN”, though also stated that there was no obvious opening that the sphere had can be opened.

Adding to the mystery of what an orb is, he claims that the orbs “are timed so that at some point they will open on their own and reveal the valuable information they carry within”.

On Monday, Cano updated his followers to explain that the “artifact” was moved at 3:15 a.m. local time by a highly trained and specialized team, to release from the Mexican border.

Given its nature, it’s a reasonable guess that it could be a weather balloon, or – if you’re weird – actual space debris. Over the weekend, China’s Long March 5B rocket fell back to Earth, with debris found in Borneo as well as the Philippines, while earlier in July, an Australian farmer found a large piece appears to be part of a SpaceX rocket. so it’s not out of the realm of possibility.

Although his followers favored theories ranging from UFOs to dragon eggs, Cano also favored the space junk hypothesis, at least in his early writing.

“According to my consideration, it could be a part of a Chinese missile that went out of control and a large number of parts were seen falling on Malaysia on the other side of the world,” he wrote.

But that’s what the aliens and/or dragon eggs want you to think.


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