As air force planes pass, the “best UFO sighting captured on camera” captures a silver object

Surely we’ve had enough ‘UFO sightings’ by now, but it might be time to grab your tinfoil hats as TikTokers have claimed to have captured the ‘best sighting’ of a UFO on camera.

By now, there’s been all sorts of ‘UFO sightings’, however, @ufotracker has dubbed this footage, which was uploaded last year, as the ‘best UFO sighting caught on camera’.

As always, we start by seeing a small dot in the sky and as you zoom in, the image becomes clearer and clearer.

“What the f**k is that,” we hear someone shout as the camera slowly focuses on the object floating in the sky.


As it zooms in, it’s still pretty hard to tell what the object is to be honest, but I guess that’s the whole point right?

I mean not every sighting can be a weather balloon right? Credit: TikTok/@ufotracker
I mean not every sighting can be a weather balloon right? Credit: TikTok/@ufotracker

But it’s towards the end of the clip that things start to get proper weird as four fighter jets – all of a sudden – start travelling in the direction of the ‘UFO’.

Sadly, the footage cuts off and we don’t know what happened.


But the video was enough for some viewers to ‘start believing’ in UFOS.

One person commented: “Seeing the fighter jets…. I would start believing.”

Another added: “Government: ThATs a WeAthEr bALloON.”

“Cia agents in here tellin us issa weather balloon,” a third agreed.

The footage was taken in 2022. Credit: TikTok/@ufotracker
The footage was taken in 2022. Credit: TikTok/@ufotracker

However, not everyone took the video in the same way, as one person thought: “It’s a weather balloon. Don’t worry about it. Carry on with your day please.”

Another added: “I got an idea guys let’s only film like 30 seconds and stop when it gets interesting.”

While a third person commented: “In the age of drones and CGI, I don’t believe anything I see on video.”


And some people just took the p*ss, with one viewer writing: “It’s rick and morty again.”

However, some were still sitting on the fence, as one viewer thought: “The problem is theres so many good fakes. That its going to be impossible to tell whenever theres a good real video.”

Towards the end of the clip is when things start to get proper weird as four fighter jets - all of a sudden - start travelling in the direction of the 'UFO'. Credit: TikTok/@ufotracker
Towards the end of the clip is when things start to get proper weird as four fighter jets – all of a sudden – start travelling in the direction of the ‘UFO’. Credit: TikTok/@ufotracker

But if you’re one of those that don’t believe in extraterrestrial life, even NASA scientists have a possible answer as to why aliens still haven’t come to visit us.

The scientists have theorised that aliens haven’t graced our planet yet because they already wiped themselves out, which isn’t ideal.

Their reasoning is that intelligent societies tend to wipe themselves out, one at a time, and the human race could be next.

That’s even more depressing that I thought.

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