This 2,000+ year old 20-sided crystal dice comes from antiquity.

Archaeology is a fascinating subject that allows us to discover and learn about the history of our ancestors. Every once in a while, an archaeological discovery is made that is truly remarkable, and one such discovery is the 20-sided crystal dice that …

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In Central Java, the last population of Homo erectus persisted until 108,000 years ago.

An international team of researchers has pinpointed the first comprehensive age for the last known occurrence of the early hominin species Homo erectus . This is an artist’s reconstruction of Homo erectus . Image credit: Yale University. In the 1930s, …

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In Washington, a 13,900-Year-Old Projectile Point Was Discovered

Scientists have found fragments a human-made projectile point in a rib of an American mastodon ( Mammut americanum ) from the Manis site, Washington, the United States. The projectile point is about 13,900 years old and is morphologically different from …

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Hunter-gatherer Settlement 10,500 Years Old Discovered in Britain

Archaeologists excavating near Scarborough in North Yorkshire, Britain, have uncovered the remains of a small settlement — including bone, antler and stone tools and weapons, the bones of animals, and traces of woodworking — inhabited by groups of hunter-gatherers …

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The Mysterious Magdeburg Unicorn: A Science and Mythology Mystery

The Magdeburg Unicorn, a fascinating and enigmatic creature, has captured the imagination of people for centuries. A woolly rhinoceros and a narwhal have been proposed as potential sources of inspiration for the creature, but its true identity remains …

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Researchers Discover the Earliest Evidence of Hominins Using Fire for Cooking

Archaeologists have found the 780,000-year-old remains of a cooked carp-like fish at the wetland Acheulean site of Gesher Benot Ya’aqov in Israel. Ancient inhabitants of the Gesher Benot Ya’aqov site in Israel likely used some kind of earth oven that …

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Sling Bullet with 2,200-Year-Old Inscription Discovered in Israel

The ancient sling bullet, dated to the Hellenistic period, bears a magic inscription in Greek: ‘ Victory of Heracles and Hauronas. ’ The 2,200-year-old lead sling bullet from Yavne, Israel. Image credit: Israel Antiquities Authority. The 2,200-year-old …

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Archaeologists find a fascinating “dragon” fossil that leaves them in awe.

Some foѕѕіɩѕ, named the “China dragon foѕѕіɩѕ”, were recently exhibited in the Xinwei Ancient Life foѕѕіɩѕ Museum in Anshun, Guizhou. When archeologists first ѕtгіррed the clay off the fossil, they found the dragon had a pair of һoгпѕ above its һeаd …

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Finding the Past: 2,300-Year-Old Scythian Shoe Reveals Burial Customs’ Secrets and Masterful Craftsmanship

Archaeologists have uncovered a stunning find in the Altai Mountains of Siberia—a nearly intact women’s boot believed to be 2,300 years old. The boot is made of soft red leather with a geometric design sewn with pyrite crystals and black beads on the …

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According to a museum, A 3,000-year-old bust that eerily resembles Michael Jackson

An ancient Egyptian limestone statue of an unidentified woman, dating back to the New Kingdom Period (1550 BC to 1050 BC), has gained attention since Michael Jackson’s death in 2009 due to its striking resemblance to the pop icon. The statue, on display …

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